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1. HTML은 무엇인가?


HTML is the skeleton of all webpages. It's often the first language learned by developers, marketers, and designers and is core to front-end development work. HTML provides structure to the content appearing on a website, such as images, text, or videos. Right-click on any page on the internet, click "Inspect", then you will see HTML structures in a panel of your screen.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. 

  • A markup language is a computer language that defines the structure and presentation of raw text.
  • In HTML, the computer can interpret raw text that is wrapped in HTML elements.
  • HyperText is text displayed on a computer or device that provides access to other text through links, also known as hyperlinks. You probably clicked on a couple of hyperlinks on your way to the website you use.

HTML is the foundation of a website, therefore, Learning HTML is the first step in creating websites. It also can help you inject code snippets into newsletter, blog, or website templates. Most websites are created visually compelling and dynamically by layering HTML with CSS and JS(Java Script)


HTML is composed of elements. These elements structure the webpage and define its content. An HTML element is made up of an opening tag(<>), the content, and a closing tag(</>). There are many tags that we can use to organise and display text and other types of content, like images. The content is the information (text or other elements) contained between the opening and closing tags of an HTML element.








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